Banyak Jalan Menuju Jerman
Pengalaman saya mencari kerja ke luar negeri dan proses mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai software engineer di Jerman, dari persiapan hingga mendapatkan visa kerja.

Money Data Type in Golang
Learn how to handle money data type in Golang without floating-point arithmetic errors using custom type definition and JSON interface implementation.

Storing Docker Image on GitHub Container Registry
Learn how to use GitHub Actions to build Docker images and store them in GitHub Container Registry ( A guide to improving CI/CD workflow for private repositories without exposing source code to servers.

Docker Argument vs Variable vs Secret
Learn the differences between Docker build arguments, environment variables, and build secrets. Understand when and how to use each for configuring your Docker builds and containers.

Dealing With Rejections
Rejection is never easy—whether it’s a job you didn’t land or a competition you didn't win, it stings.

Tech Stack to Learn for Beginner
Let's explore the current competitive tech job market, with tips on popular tech stacks and where to find remotes and relocation opportunities.

Simple Trick to Learn Foreign Language
A practical guide to make learning a new language feel more natural. Based on observation of common mistakes.

Shell Script for CI/CD
A hobbyist's guide to simple CI/CD using shell scripts. Covers automating tasks, building Docker images, and deploying containers on a VPS with GitHub Actions.

AI for Mock Interview
My journey on porting an AI-powered web app for developer interview prep into a desktop app that can be run by anyone on their laptop. The fun and challenges faced during the process will be shared here.